BrewzNET 2.0 Downloads

Truth is that most of the files I care to share are not supported by, so I have resorted to putting the downloadable items on my Microsoft OneDrive. The “OneDrive” contains links to my SketchUp Models, BrewzNET VB2008 versions, and other items I share on this blog. Its a shame that I can’t put everything in one place, but oh well.

VB.NET Code (Visual Studio 2010):

bnetcode BrewzNET 2.0 Control Box VB.NET Code for the Netduino platform of microcontrollers


mainboard Eagle file for the Netduino Mainboard PCB shield
LCD Top Eagle File for the 20×4 LCD backpack PCB
Xbee top Eagle File for the End Device PCB

XBee configuration files
Control Box Coordinator (coming soon)
End Device – Grant (coming soon)
End Device – Sparge Arm (coming soon)